Babble & Aural Text
Well, there have been some big changes in Daveyland since I arrived back home. One of these has been the strange process of becoming reacquainted with friends and family, after a long period overseas. It's weird. Everyone's exactly the same. I'm exactly the same. Australia is exactly the same. Except, different. Perhaps I should have expected this. What's perhaps even weirder is the process of preparing for a spoken word gig, my first in a long time (unless you count the essential battiness that was my reading for the Korean Modern Poets Association ). Yikes! This gig will be held tomorrow night at Babble , Melbourne's (heck, Australasia's) premier spoken word event, and I'm not just saying that coz I owe host Mr Sean M. Whelan aka Dr Feelgood a favour or two. Okay, that's the only reason I'm saying it. For you superfreaks in Melbourne, I urge you to come on down and support this great tradition. Expect the unexplainable. Here's the juice: ...