I can't hear you ...

I seem to be having problems with comments. Could people please try and post a comment so that we can see if it works now? Thanks.


David Prater said…
So of course wouldn't you know it but as soon as I republish the blog, here come all those freaking comments. And there I was thinking I was a loser nobody would talk to! As if!
Sean M Whelan said…
yeah, i left a few comments yesterday and they all appeared today. they are a bit slow to appear though. like 24 hrs or something.
David Prater said…
It's a pain, that's for sure. I think it might have to do with republishing.
David Prater said…
Yep. Definitely a republishing issue.
David Prater said…
And an FTP issue, I think.
David Prater said…
Yes indeedy me. Tis the fault of the FTP.

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