Hoju Bihang-gi*

eh! the plane! the plane!     come to rescue a princess         hoju bihang-gi like silver   birds above our skylines over the wires        a plane! a silver plane! coming to             save their hoju princess   to fly her to hawaii! or                  anywhere but here! her fur     coat trailing in the dust on the sleepy seoul tarmac          silver plane full of furs! come to rescue her again               this time - from us! but     we're just kids! running  around in the lanes or looking up at the sky -         to see planes! not like     the black planes full of    fire - hoju bihang-gi! big silver bird     glides             across the sky the sound     of trumpets -    ta-da! it's a plane! eh! an     australian     aeroplane - full of hoju birds & soft toys - the   plane! come to rescue us?      or a princess? who cares! it's a plane! silver winged            bird of prey! liberation    all over again! goodbye    syngman rhee! goodbye too   to your australian princess a plane! a plane! a hoju     bihang-gi! eh!      lightning!
*trans: "Australian aeroplane"; from 1948 to 1960 Syngman Rhee was president of the First Republic of Korea; his wife, Francesca, was Austrian. Apparently during that time, children would look up to the sky and see aeroplanes and think they were Australian planes, come to rescue their Austrian [sic] princess. This story was related to me by a Korean man in his fifties. The departure of Syngman Rhee and his wife for Hawaii in 1960 was greeted with jubilation by the majority of Koreans.


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